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Ant Media is a New York-based provider of scalable, ultra-low latency & adaptive WebRTC streaming engine that offers real-time streaming with 0.5 seconds of end-to-end latency. Its streaming engine supports WebRTC, CMAF, HLS, RTMP, and RTSP to ensure that it is compatible with every client’s requirements. Ant Media Servers (AMS) are easy to scale, and clients can have real-time streaming services within five minutes. AMS has a rapid start-up time, and its adaptability allows it to seamlessly meeting new industry changes such as new codecs and protocols. Additionally, the streaming engine has several noteworthy features that streamline and simplify video streaming processes.
With traditional solutions providing high latencies, people are in dire need of a scalable, real-time streaming solution. And we have engineered a solution that can achieve this
As a completely open-source WebRTC streaming server, the AMS supports developers and streaming ecosystems. Explaining this, Mermerkaya adds, “We have created an ecosystem where we help people to become successful in their projects, both financially and technically. We collaborate with people, and they provide feedback which in turn improves our product.” Ant Media also provides live streaming SDKs (Software Development Kits) for integration with mobile streaming platforms. Additionally, users can also build their own auto-scalable, interactive, real-time streaming platform within five minutes.
Ant Media has a vast client portfolio in 120+ countries that include several industries and sectors such as education, gaming, broadcasting, and auctioning. Next Education, one of India’s largest online education platforms, utilizes AMS to conduct online classes. Other educational organizations such as Knovio and Knowledge Vision also employ it. Nokia uses AMS for video surveillance. NBC, Ross Video, Mega Meeting, Leap Games, Ubisoft, and LSL Auctions use AMS for broadcasting, video conferencing, gaming, and online auctions. Ant Media has a customer-centric operating model that focuses on solving individual clients’ needs to ensure a smooth onboarding process.
The company experiments with the latest technologies to upgrade its services, ensuring that clients get the best—a factor that differentiates it from its competitors. Ant Media is currently developing Spaceport—a volumetric video creation technology that will provide six degrees of freedom to video streaming. “Our dream, since the company’s founding, has been the creation of Spaceport,” says Mermerkaya. This volumetric video technology will be ready by the end of 2021 and is poised to transform the entire streaming industry.
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